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Investigating the photophysics and photochemistry of nature-inspired molecular systems

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In the Stavros Lab, we use state-of-the-art laser spectroscopy techniques to track energy- energy flow in molecules following absorption of solar radiation. Why is this important? When a molecule absorbs ultraviolet radiation (UVR), several processes can occur. Non-radiative (ie non-light emitting) decay is one of these and is responsible for driving the underlying photoprotection mechanisms within in a myriad of molecular systems including plants and microbial species.


Deciphering these non-radiative decay mechanisms unlocks knowledge that can assist in developing new photothermal materials. For example, developing biomimetic UVR filters for skincare application and molecular heaters to boost plant growth during cold snaps.

Latest Publications

Urocanic acid as a novel scaffold for next-gen nature inspired sunscreens: II. Time resolved spectroscopy under solution conditions

Urocanic acid is a naturally occurring UV-A and UV-B absorbing compound found in the skin. Its use in artificial sunscreens has been abandoned because of health risks associated with the cis isomer. Here we report laser spectroscopic studies on urocanic acid.....


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